Sans Varia
English name: Mother in Law's Tongue
Sansoria is one of the good air purifying plants, if the size of its pot is not too big, it should be a few meters away from the south window or behind the north window, and when the soil is dry, give it water, it will bloom after a year, and you will be happy. he does.
If the frequency of watering is high, its leaves will become loose and rotten, if the sun hits it, or if it is thirsty, or if you give it too much fertilizer, brown spots will appear on its leaves.
Be sure to use leaf soil, compost and a little sand for its soil and choose a clay pot.
English name: Umbrella Tree
It is an evergreen plant with slow growth in two types, green and ablaq.
Schefflera tolerates dry soil, watering two to three times in summer weeks and once in every winter week is recommended for this plant. Spraying, especially on hot summer days, increases the humidity and freshness of the plant.
This plant likes medium light, it likes indirect light, however, it is relatively resistant to shade. The propagation of this plant is through cuttings and it is a bit difficult to do it at home.
English name: Dumb Cane
First, when you buy it and move it, it is very sensitive to movement and some of its leaves turn yellow and fall, which is normal. A lot of light from behind the glass and proper watering are very important for it.
Put it next to the bright window and don't move it at all and don't change its pot until it gives leaves. Dieffenbachia plant should not be watered until the soil is dry, otherwise the lower leaves will turn yellow.
Note: Every month, clean its leaves with a little low-fat milk and lukewarm water.
Crassula purslane
English name: Jade Plant
Too much watering rots the roots of this plant, it needs to be watered almost twice a week for hot days. This plant loves light, tolerates direct sunlight, and in this condition, produces stronger stems and more leaves. One of the ways to reproduce this plant is to cut one of its young stems.
The popular croton plant
English name: Croton
It needs light, but not too much light to burn its leaves, so place it one meter away from a south window. The plant is moisture-loving, but watering too much will rot it, so give it water whenever the soil is dry.
If it is thirsty, its leaves will hang down, put a quarter of it in the pan of water until half of the pot.